Father Fiorilllo's FAM (Food After Mass)
The Harvard Catholic Class of 2024 is continuing the tradition of presenting a Senior Class Gift to the Harvard Catholic Center. This gift allows you to honor your graduating senior, and leave a legacy to benefit future Catholic students.
After six years serving as undergraduate chaplain at Harvard, Father Patrick Fiorillo will be moving on to another assignment within the Archdiocese of Boston. The class gift this year is to benefit Father Fiorillo’s FAM (Food After Mass). Since Fr. Patrick’s arrival at the Catholic Center in May 2017 he has sought to maximize opportunities for outreach to the hundreds of students who attend the 5 PM Mass on Sunday, offering them a casual setting to connect with fellow Catholics and to invite them to other events. Fr. Patrick and the undergraduate leaders have focused on the quality of the FAM dinners, and over the past six years we’ve seen a dramatic increase in students participating in the post-Mass gathering.
Serving a meal after Mass is not only a means of building community among the Catholic students but also provides a setting for students to invite their non-Catholic friends and the dinners allow for more interaction between the Chaplains and the students. FAM is more than pizza each week. We order catered meals including Italian, Mexican, and Barbeque. Rotating groups of students and volunteers set-up the dining hall, serve and clean-up each week.
The goal of the senior class gift is to raise $25,000 which will help to cover the cost of FAM for the next academic year. Your gift will help ensure that future Harvard Catholic students will be able to enjoy this special time of fellowship while also recognizing the six years of dedication by Fr. Patrick in service to the Harvard undergraduates
For questions regarding the Senior Class Gift project please contact Doug Zack, Director of Advancement.

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Previous Senior Class Gifts