Let us remember in our prayers and at Mass tomorrow President Claudine Gay upon her Inauguration as the 30th President of Harvard University!
Let us remember too in our prayers her dear mother, Claudette Bateau, whom she lost around the time of Commencement.
I’ve an Urgent Reminder! So many times I’ve heard our students say that a non-Catholic classmate mentioned wanting to find out how to become Catholic. Well the classes have already begun this past Saturday. Thus, please get in touch at once to pass on their name and contact info too …. so that they can be invited into the Saturday 5pm inquiry which begins in St. Paul’s Church but then moves to our DiGiovanni Hall for instruction/questions and dinner together.
We already have over forty students and other adults meeting here. Please be sure to invite and bring your friends to meet Fr Patrick who coordinates it and then join them in attending to assist them if they’ve any questions.
Very Important! Right Now! God Love You! Yours ever, Father George