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Message for September 14, 2023

Writer: Fr. George SalzmannFr. George Salzmann


Might you please circulate everywhere on campus and to everyone word of our 11AM Mass of the Holy Spirit this Sunday at St. Paul's Church, Bow & Arrow Streets and also Bishop Robert Barron’s lecture on “The Catholic Intellectual Tradition” at 4PM Sunday in Memorial Church in Harvard Yard (register here).

While our campus Masses at HLS (6:30 PM) and at HBS (8:15PM) began with good turnouts last Sunday, they are cancelled so that everyone at the Harvard Catholic Chaplaincy can attend our Mass of The Holy Spirit together! They will resume on Sunday, September 24th at 6:30 PM and 8:15 PM respectively.

Please notice that our Men’s Group began Monday night and that our Women’s Group will begin Saturday morning. Please join in!

Our first Grad Student Dinner of the year was remarkably well-attended last Thursday. We almost had no free places. Please be sure to join us in future months since we always promise to find you a place!

Our summer field trips and the socials afterwards went swimmingly. We are beginning new groups and scheduling further events. Please let us know of your own valuable ideas for we have much yet to begin.

I’d love to hear how you are doing. Please come by or let us meet for coffee or lunch or a walk around Harvard Yard or any of our other campuses. I look forward to seeing you quote soon!

May God Bless You Always!

Father George

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