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Message for May 22, 2024

Writer: Fr. George SalzmannFr. George Salzmann

Commencement is the one day one sees the University as a whole come to life. Please don’t miss the chance, not only to see it, but to be a part of it!

It used to be held in Sanders Theatre and PhDs are still awarded there.  If such is your fate, please notice on behalf of the rest of us the largest and greatest Latin inscription at Harvard above its stage. It speaks of English exiles, reduced to the basics, still considering the getting of Wisdom to be more important than anything else.

The impetus to found Harvard was then of a piece with your attending it:  learning, yes, but also the getting of wisdom!  Aptly is your graduation right in the aftermath of Pentecost.   Applying wisdom to your life, gaining it from your experience, should serve as the hallmark and also then the reward of each of your lives. 

Sleuth out the last lines on the Sanders Theatre stage wall!  The are from Scripture and can hardly ever be pondered enough:

The Great Latin Inscription of Sanders Theatre Above the Commencement Stage:

“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that instruct the many to justice shall be as stars for all eternity”. Daniel 12:3

Think of the difference you can make in your life by living it with Wisdom:

Thanking the Father for your life and the people along the way!

Thanking the Son for offering His Life for you and encountering Him in the sacrament of His love every week!

Thanking the Holy Spirit for His gifts and His inspiration all your life long!

We hope to see you at graduation. 

We hope to meet your family and friends all.

We will pray for you through all the days to come.

THURSDAY MORNING EARLY you will be marched into SEVER QUAD (opposite the Harvard art museum.). It’s a staging area, for an hour, before you are fed into Tercentenary Theatre.  Let’s try to gather ourselves there and get Group Pictures of Everybody before you are all split up! 

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